1708- Jethro Tull creates mechanical seed planter that plants seed in rows
1709- Abraham Darby uses coke to smelt iron, used as new power source
1712- Thomas Newcomen invents the steam engine
1733- John Kay creates flying shuttle
1765- James Hargreaves invents spinning jenny which revolutionizes textile industry
1779- Crompton uses steam engine in to power textile mills
1792- William Murdock uses coal to power lights in houses
1793- Eli Whitney invents cotton gin
1801- Robert Trevithick uses a steam-powered train
1811- Workers destroy machinery in an attempt to not lose their jobs in Luddite Riots
1830- First commercial train service in Liverpool and Manchester
Landow, George P. "The Industrial Revolution: A Timeline." The Industrial Revolution: A Timeline. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Mar. 2014.
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